Monday, June 11, 2007

Letters from Rapunzel

Letters from Rapunzel by Sara Holmes

This story is not a fairy tale. Twelve year old Cadence writes letters to a post office box in hopes of understanding her father’s silence while he is in the hospital. Cadence misses him and his poems.

Her father always writes a new poem for Cadence on each of her birthdays. Will he this year?

In Letters from Rapunzel, Cadence experiences her own problems in school even after testing indicates she is much brighter than her school work currently shows.

Cadence must bravely face the truth about her father and her self. An interesting read for fifth or sixth grade and above. Adults would enjoy this with their child as well; a good book to discuss.


Friday, June 08, 2007

Pants On Fire by Meg Cabot

Entering her senior year of high school, Katie seems to have everything. She’s pretty, smart, has lots of friends and her boyfriend is the best looking guy at school. Well, one of her boyfriends anyway, she seems to have picked up another boyfriend along the way.

But, there is one thing that is not so good. Katie is a liar. She lies to keep everybody happy. In fact, she lies so much she can barely keep her lies straight any more and that is a problem when you have two boyfriends.

And here is another thing that is not so good...Tommy Sullivan is back in town. Tommy is an old middle school friend she helped run out of town in the 8th grade. What is he doing back in town and what does he want? Oh yeah, and most importantly, how did he get so hot?

Pants on Fire is another entertaining novel by Meg Cabot with her trademark witty dialogue and fun characters. You won’t want to miss this one.