Jack Kerley's debut novel, The Hundredth Man, is the story of police detective Carson Ryder. Ryder and his partner Harry Nautilus are part of the Mobile, Alabama police force, and are called upon to hunt a killer that leaves cryptic messages on the corpses he disposes of .
As the body count rises, Ryder draws upon his own dark family past -- his brother, an imprisoned, violent, psychopath with a history of hideous crimes. In a manner similar to Silence of the Lambs, the brothers work quid pro quo, all the while Ryder keeping the source of his leads from his partner. With just enough suspense to keep you hooked, the story combines the investigation with Ryder's coming to terms with his own issues, twisting and turning until the very end.
Well written and excellent character development, The Hundredth Man will entertain and thrill. Kerley continues the story of Carson Ryder in The Death Collectors and A Garden of Vipers, both worth looking into.
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You write very well.
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