Monday, June 11, 2007

Letters from Rapunzel

Letters from Rapunzel by Sara Holmes

This story is not a fairy tale. Twelve year old Cadence writes letters to a post office box in hopes of understanding her father’s silence while he is in the hospital. Cadence misses him and his poems.

Her father always writes a new poem for Cadence on each of her birthdays. Will he this year?

In Letters from Rapunzel, Cadence experiences her own problems in school even after testing indicates she is much brighter than her school work currently shows.

Cadence must bravely face the truth about her father and her self. An interesting read for fifth or sixth grade and above. Adults would enjoy this with their child as well; a good book to discuss.



Sara said...

Thank you! If you ever want to host a kids or parent/child book discussion for this book, email me. I'll provide a signed copy as a door prize, along with postcards and pencils for everyone. And in keeping with the letters theme, I'll be happy to write a personal note to your book club.

Misty said...

This book looks really AWESOME!!!!!!!!! :)