"As the sun set, Greg spent an hour clambering up a slope of loose rock, hoping to get a view that would help tell him where he was. He knew of a landmark on another mountain, and if he could find it, he might be able to get his bearings. But when he got to the top of the slope, all he saw were unfamiliar peaks in the fading light. He had wandered about eight miles from where he should have been.
All he had with him was a small, purple backpack that held a blanket, and empty water bottle, and a single protein bar." (5)
In this Young Readers Edition of the New York Times bestseller Three Cups of Tea, Sarah Thomson adapts Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin story of building schools in Pakistan. In an attempt to climb the second highest mountain on Earth, he gets lost and finds himself being rescued and taken care of by a remote village. He promises that he will build the children there a school as a thank you. This book details the difficulties he had in getting that first school built, and then what happens when Mortenson learns he can't just stop at just one school. As word spreads of what Mortenson is doing, it turns out that not everyone is as supportive as that first village.
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