"I had an interview. To join the Women Airforce Service Pilots. And it looks like I might have a shot." I smile in spite of myself and drop it just as fast. No one's saying anything. I swallow hard. (54-55)
Ida Mae Jones has always dreamed of flying, ever since she was eleven years old and her dad brought home a crop dusting plane to their farm. Several years later, with her dad gone now and her brother off to war, Ida Mae wants to do more for the war effort then collect bacon grease and nylons. But she has two things against her; she's a black women. But then, the Women Airforce Service Pilots is started, looking for female pilots to help shuttle planes and passengers and test fly the newest planes. All Ida Mae has to do is pretend she's white. Playing a dangerous game in southern Texas, Ida Mae's difficulties and triumphs are laid out in Flygirl by Sherri L. Smith.
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