Friday, December 28, 2007

Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons by Amy Krouse Rosenthal

Ask a room full of four-year-olds, “Who likes cookies?” and you will invariably find yourself greeted unanimously by cookie-lovers. Rosenthal uses this universal language of food to demonstrate some big concepts in Cookies: Bite-Size Life Lessons.

“TRUSTWORTHY means, if you ask me to hold your cookie until you come back, when you come back, I will still be holding your cookie.”

“GREEDY means taking all the cookies for myself. Hee Hee Hee. Yum Yum Yum.”

“LOYAL means that even though the new person has a much bigger cookie, I’m sticking by you and your little cookies because you’re my very best friend.”

Jane Dyer’s precious pastel watercolors of children and animals enjoying baked goods impart a timeless feel to Rosenthal’s book of virtues. Share Cookies over a plate of real cookies for an especially tasty treat.


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